Professional License Defense



South Carolina Professional License Defense Attorneys

Clients with professional licensing issues who are under investigation or face potential disciplinary action, including a public reprimand, license suspension, or practice limitations rely upon Turner Padget’s professional license defense attorneys to aggressively defend their right to continue to practice, to argue against public disciplinary action, and to fight practice based restrictions. Call us today to speak directly with an attorney to learn more about the LLR administrative process and how we can help.

Our Professional License Defense Attorneys Routinely Handle LLR Licensing Issues Including:

  • Helping clients obtain a license during the application process; attending LLR application hearings.
  • Assisting clients under investigation for allegations of misconduct.
  • Defending criminal charges including claims of diversion or improper record keeping.
  • Challenging a cease and desist or temporary suspension order.
  • Challenging an offer of a public reprimand to request a dismissal, private letter of caution, or private reprimand (when provided under the Practice Act).
  • Fighting allegations of misconduct in an LLR disciplinary proceeding before the Board.
  • Requesting a modification to an existing consent agreement; appealing an LLR Board order to the Administrative Law Court.
  • Advising clients whether a particular course of conduct is within the confines of the relevant practice act.

Protecting Your Professional License

You have the right to speak with a professional license defense attorney before you say anything that may impact your case. Take advantage of our consultation and call or email us today to speak directly with a professional license defense attorney to learn more about the LLR administrative process,  protecting your right to continued practice, and the potential impact that disciplinary action may have upon your professional license.  Our professional licensing attorneys are here to provide the guidance you need. We have decades of experience helping licensed South Carolina professionals.

Whether you are under investigation or facing a hearing before the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners, the South Carolina Board of Nursing, the Board of Accountancy, the Board of Dentistry or any other LLR board, we are here to defend your right to continued practice. Our professional licensing defense attorneys can also provide assistance and guidance for clients who have been referred to the South Carolina Recovering Professional Program.  Our team is routinely retained by professional liability carriers facing malpractice claims. Our experience will prove valuable to defending your LLR license complaint. If you carry insurance coverage, we are happy to work directly with your carrier on your behalf.  Call us today to speak directly with a professional license defense attorney.  843-576-2823.

LLR Board Representation Including:

Alcohol Beverage License Defense

Insurance License Defense

Teaching Certificate Defense